Converting a PDF file into a flipbook

Learn how to create a flipbook starting from a simple PDF upload.

Table of contents: 

Merging multiple files into a flipbook

Choose your upload method

Upload from computer 

Upload from Google Drive 

Converting files separately

Replace PDF and keep interactions


There are two different ways to upload PDFs in Flipsnack. You can either merge all the PDF files into a single flipbook or upload each PDF as a separate flipbook. 

Step 1: Merging multiple files into a flipbook

Once logged in, go to the main dashboard and click on Upload PDF.

upload pdf button in design studio

Step 2: Choose your upload method

You have two options for uploading files:

upload files in flipsnack

1. Upload from your computer

  • Select PDF or JPG files directly from your device.
  • Before uploading, ensure your files are named appropriately for easy identification.

2. Upload from Google Drive 

  • Click Upload from Drive, and then connect your account to enable access.
  • Once connected, ensure the PDF is already stored in your Google Drive, then simply select it to proceed.

Tip: If you select multiple files, please remember that they will be merged in a single flipbook.  

You can arrange their order, replace or delete them, and once done, click on Next

Now you are on the Customize page, there are different options you can choose from. 

Important: You can also click on Share now to directly publish your flipbook without going through the design process. This is useful if you already have some presets in Customize. 


3. Click on Editor if you wish to add interactive elements such as links, videos, and more. 


4. Click on Upload if you wish to upload more files to your flipbook. 

5. Choose from our different customization options (Appearance, Branding, Menu controls, Lead form, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Accessibility) available on the page.

Important: You can preserve these settings for future flipbooks by enabling the Preserve settings checkbox.


6. Now’s the time to add a Title and a Description. If you’re interested in ranking organically, make the flipbook public. You also might be interested in SEO optimizing your flipbooks by adding a Meta title and Meta description.

7. You can publish your flipbook Public, Unlisted, Password Locked, and Private. Read more about visibility options.


8. Before clicking the Publish button, you should know that by selecting the arrow next to it, you will have the option to Save as draft or Schedule publication.


Published your flipbook? Now, here’s the Details page of your flipbook. This page is where you’ll have the status of the flipbook, the Download and Sharing options, and the Preview to see how it looks when shared or embedded.

Step 3: Uploading multiple files separately

  1. While on the main dashboard, choose Bulk upload from the dropdown menu. 
  2. Select your files, and click on Open
  3. After the files are uploaded, they will appear in your main dashboard. 
  4. You can edit, customize, and publish each flipbook in the main dashboard. 

Step 4: Replace PDF and keep interactions

If you have worked hard on adding many interactions to your PDF and you find that there are some mistakes scattered around, or you want to make some updates to the document, you can re-upload the PDF without losing the interactions. Here's the article that lets you know how to do it.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us via live chat.