How to send flipbooks via email

Learn about all your options for sharing your flipbooks via email with Flipsnack and other email providers.

Table of contents:

Send emails through Flipsnack

Send your catalog through Mailgun or Amazon Web Services

Send the catalog email using the embed code

Note: Remember that your catalog will have to be published first for any email-sharing options.

How to send emails through Flipsnack

If you want to send your catalog to a single email address, it’s easy. First, go to My Flipbooks, then click on Share out to the right of your desired flipbook. Finally, select Send Email.

Now that you’re here, you can edit some aspects of the email. The personalization level allowed is based on the subscription you have. If you want to be able to customize everything from the subject line, title, description, button label, logo, colors, and footer description, you'll need the Enterprise plan.

Personalized email newsletter

If you are an Enterprise user, you can insert your email list or upload it as a CSV file and send the email via Flipsnack. You can add up to 1000 email addresses with an Enterprise plan. With any other plan, you can send it via Flipsnack to one email only.

Warning: The emails sent directly through Flipsnack will be sent from

There is a workaround for this. If you want to send the emails from a different address or to a longer list, you can send the email to yourself first and then forward it to your email list from your email address. Make sure you remove the fwd email info at the top of the email (Begin forwarded message, From, Subject, Date, To).

This is also useful when sending emails through Yahoo, Gmail, or other email services that do not support HTML code integration. 

Alternatively, you could send your catalog through a custom email provider.

How to send your catalog through Mailgun or Amazon Web Services

For our Enterprise users, you have the option to send emails through Flipsnack via Mailgun and Amazon SES. With a custom email provider, you can remove all Flipsnack branding from the emails you send. You can customize the sender’s name as well as the email address. This means that emails will no longer be sent from, but from the custom email address you have set up.

To choose Mailgun or Amazon, click on Settings in the bottom left of your My Flipbooks dashboard. A new window will pop out from here, and you will see Email Provider at the bottom of the list. Click it, and you will be taken to a new window.


Now, you can choose between Flipsnack, Mailgun, and Amazon SES at the top of the screen. Flipsnack is the default provider, so if you wish to keep it this way, you don’t need to take any actions. If you want to choose the other two providers, click on them and fill in the required information. 

Learn how to set up Mailgun and how to set up Amazon SES. Please contact us if you want to set up a custom integration and connect through a different email provider. 

How to send the flipbook email using the embed code

Here is how you can embed a flipbook into email with your own email provider (Thunderbird or Gmail, for example).

First, go to My Flipbooks, choose the catalog you want, select Share, and click on Send Email

Embed code in Flipsnack

You will find the embed code in the left corner box. Right after the customization and personalization options. You can simply click the copy button to get the code. 

Here is an example:

Sending the embed code through Thunderbird

First, compose a new email and go to Insert. Here choose HTML:

Adding an embed code in Thunderbird

After that, enter the embed code from Flipsnack (described above) and click Insert.

You will automatically see the snippet in your email, a sign that your email is ready to be sent!

Email snippet in Thunderbird

Sending the flipbook's embed code through Gmail

If you are interested in embedding your flipbook into another email provider, such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail, things get a bit more complicated. 

You have to download a specific Chrome extension in order to successfully insert that HTML code into your email. How does this work? The extension adds an HTML button to the Compose message window.

After you download the Chrome extension, you should see that button, click on it and it will open a widget where you paste your HTML code. 


Then, click Ok, and you’ll see your flipbook embedded there, ready to be sent. There are a couple of extensions to choose from, some options including HTML Inserter for Gmail or GMass.

Or if you are more techy, you can follow a couple of straightforward steps that help you manually add the code in the Inspect section of your web page, with no extension required.

Learn more about how to email your catalog with Flipsnack in this video.

If you're already using one of these platforms, then you might be interested in reading the following articles:

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us via live chat.