How to send a flipbook mail through Mailjet

Learn all the steps you need to know about sharing your publications via Mailjet.

Mailjet is an email marketing platform that’s both secured and easy to use. In this article, I’m going to show you how easy it is to send your flipbook to your email list using this platform. But before getting started, I want to remind you how you can copy the embedded code of the flipbook you want to share.

Important note: Keep in mind that the email embed code is not the same as the flipbook embed code. Also, an embedded flipbook in your email will only open in a new tab if clicked on.

Once your flipbook is published, head over to your list of flipbooks, find the flipbook that you want to share via email, navigate to the right side, click on Share, and then click on Send Email. Down at the bottom of the newly opened page, you will find the embed code for email in the section titled Send it using your email client.

Send email button in Flipsnack

After you’ve done this, feel free to customize the email’s title, description, and so on. Then, just copy the embed code.

Email customization in Flipsnack

Now that it’s all clear let’s get move on to the next part.

How to send your flipbook email through Mailjet

1. Create your Mailjet account.

Creating contact lists in Mailjet

2. Right after this, you’ll need to create your contact list. Head over to the Import contact list and choose between these 3 options.

File upload in Mailjet

3. Now click on the Create new campaign button.

Creating new campaign in Mailjet

4. Before customizing your campaign details, you’ll have to design your email template. Therefore, click on the Design email button.

Design email in Mailjet

5. Here, you can choose from various options. For example, if you decide to use a template from the Mailjet gallery, go to the left sidebar and drag and drop the HTML block wherever you want in the template.

HTML editor in Mailjet

6. Then, click to open the HTML editor and paste the code of your flipbook.

7. Right after that, click Save.

Save the embedded code in Mailjet

8. Click on the Review & Send button.

Review and send in Mailjet

9. Now you’ll be redirected to the Campaign details page that you’ve seen before. Customize all the required fields however you want. Make sure to select the right contact list and click Save.

Save the email in Mailjet

10. When you’re done, just hit the Send now button or choose to schedule for later.

Send now or schedule email in Mailjet

Keep in mind that you can always send your flipbook as an email directly through Flipsnack or via other platforms, such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact.

In case you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via live chat.