Getting started with the Organization plan - for owners and administrators

Learn how to set up and manage the workspace as the owner or administrator of an Organization plan.

The Organization plan allows your company to own multiple connected workspaces in Flipsnack. For example, a marketing company with several clients or projects can organize them in separate workspaces. Similarly, a company with multiple locations can have workspaces for each team with one subscription and one owner managing all of them.

Note: The Organization plan isn’t a standard Flipsnack plan, which is why you won’t find it on the pricing page. However, if you find yourself in need of this or a more customized plan, you can fill in this form and our sales team will contact you to hash out the details.

We highly recommend reading our introductory guide for Organization plan if you are the owner of the Organization plan to learn more about what this plan is, what the benefits are, and how you can get started.

Now let's assume that you already have the Organization plan enabled and are an admin for a workspace or more. How to proceed? Make sure you follow this setup guide and ask for help if needed.

Accept your invitation within 24h

The owner of the Organization plan will invite you to join the main "master" workspace or one of the connected workspaces. When they add teammates within the workspace, they will assign specific roles based on which team members can access certain features. You will receive an email invite and have 24 hours to accept it. The owner can resend it if you don't accept it in time.

You can access the workspace as soon as you accept the invite and set up your account.

Important: If you don’t have an existing account, the workspace you join first will be the free workspace assigned to your account. You will need to subscribe to the Organization plan to create any workspaces upon request, but you can join others created if invited. 

When someone invites you into multiple workspaces, you'll get multiple invitations. It’s necessary to accept all of them.

Get to know the workspace and your organizational structure

Admins have full access to the workspace. Make sure you talk with the owner about how you will be using Flipsnack, how many workspaces there are, how many you have access to, and what the expectations are for you regarding workspace management.

Adding teammates

If you are an admin in one workspace, for one of the teams, adding more teammates is easy. Go to Settings  > Teammates. Make sure you read about roles and permissions.

The admins of the master workspace have access to the Organization page, where they can see all the team workspaces that they have been added to by the owner. So if the owner has given you admin access to all workspaces, you'll be able to manage teams just like the owner of the Organization plan.

In this case, make sure you add teammates in the correct workspace.

Onboarding the team and getting started

As you invite teammates, let them know you sent them an invite and what it's about. Even though Flipsnack is easy to use, it has many features and functionalities, so a bit of training is always helpful.

You can contact your account manager and organize a Zoom team onboarding session. Customize the presentation/training call with your account manager beforehand based on your usage.

Other tips

If you have a big team in your workspace, you might be interested in some organization tips:

  1. Start using folders. You can create folders and subfolders to organize your flipbooks within your workspace. If you decide to use folders, ensure everyone knows how to use them in Flipsnack and what types of flipbooks should go into each folder.

  2. Work with labels. Sometimes you need two types of organization (e.g.: by year and by author). This is why you can apply labels in addition to working with folders. You can also use labels to keep track of the production flow for a catalog.

  3. Implement naming conventions. Your workspace might become chaotic if team members don’t follow some naming guides. Implement rules for flipbook names and let everybody know them (or decide together as a team).

  4. Add team assets (images & videos) in the uploads tab in the Design Studio. You can organize these into folders as well. Through team assets, everything uploaded will be accessible to the entire team. Only owners and admins can manage team uploads. If there are logos or images the team will often use in their designs, upload them here and let the team know about them.

  5. Use Permission settings. This set of features is handy for having more control over your brand and how your team will use Flipsnack. Permission settings allows you to restrict your team's access to some features and functionalities.

Whenever in doubt, you and your team can ask for help. You can find a lot of information here in the help center, but sometimes, you need answers quickly and want to talk to a human. So contact our support team via live chat for quick answers.