Appearance section from Customize page

Learn about the options and settings available in the "Customize" page for the flipbook’s appearance

After you’re done uploading or creating the content of your flipbook, the next step you have to take is to customize all the aspects of it.

From the Design Studio or the Upload page, go to Customize, then to Appearance, and discover all the options you have for personalizing your flipbook's look.

Table of contents


Page transition

Layout style

Tooltip language

Auto-flip pages

Flip sound

Right-to-left orientation

Shadows on pages

Highlights on links

Auto-detect links


Here's where you can control options for your readers' experience with your flipbook player, including layout style or auto-flip, flipping sound, and flipping orientation.

Let’s explore together all the appearance customization options available!


First of all, you have to choose how your flipbook player will look like. More specifically, where exactly certain options, buttons, and the navigation menu will be displayed in the flipbook player. By flipbook player, we understand the entire flipbook, with its background. For this, you have two player skins to choose from: Classic and Modern.

Classic offers a more simple look, in which your options are (by default) only displayed in fullscreen mode, and they appear above your flipbook:


When you’re using Modern skin, the controls you’ve selected for your flipbooks will be displayed on a bar below your flipbook. They will be visible even when the reader is not in fullscreen mode. The logo will appear in the upper left corner of the flipbook player.


Both Classic and Modern are more than just appearance options! These player skins are based on a new technology with a fresher design that is faster and more user-friendly, fully responsive, and optimized across different devices, even for mobile, offering a better all-around reading experience.

Whether you enjoy the classic appearance or want to adopt a more modern one, the choice is yours!

Page transition

To enjoy smoother transitions and to improve the overall viewing experience of your flipbooks, you can choose between two different types of page transitions: Flip or Slide.

Flip - this effect mimics the physical act of turning the pages of a traditional book or magazine. It adds a tactile sensation to digital reading, creating a more immersive and engaging experience. As users navigate through the flipbook, the pages appear to curl and flip realistically, complete with sound effects that enhance the illusion of handling an actual book. 

Slide - this effect offers a modern and sleek way to navigate through digital publications. Instead of simulating the turning of a page, the slide effect smoothly transitions content horizontally across the screen. This method is particularly well-suited for devices with touch screens, allowing readers to swipe through pages effortlessly. 2

Layout style

Choosing the Layout style of your flipbook is very important because it shows how pages are displayed in your publication. Let’s see what options best fit your needs.

Single page view - Displays one page at a time in the flipbook player, regardless of device or browser size. We recommend this option if you want to use the pages as slides in a presentation and for other landscape-oriented flipbooks. If you display both pages for landscape flipbooks, they sometimes look a little bit small and are hard to read.


Smart view - It's called "smart" because it provides the best display solution based on the readers’ screen size. It displays one page at a time on mobile devices and two pages on laptop screens or computers, balancing readability with the elegance of a real-life-looking flipbook. This is the default setting for most flipbooks.


Important: In order to use the Single page view or the Smart view, the Page layout of your flipbook has to be set to Single in the Flipbook settings in the Design Studio.

Two-page view - Displays the flipbook with two-page spreads always, regardless of the readers’ screen size. It's also the only option available for flipbooks with double-page mode enabled in Design Studio.

Now that each layout style has been explained, all you have to do is to choose the perfect layout style for your flipbook!

Tooltip language

If you want to change your tooltip language, simply choose the language you want from the dropdown menu.


The languages available for your flipbook tooltip are Basque, Bosnian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Dutch, English, Spanish, Hebrew, French, Greek, Croatian, Indonesian, Italian, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Finnish, Turkish, Slovakian and Swedish.

Auto-flip pages

By default, this option is turned off because it allows the flipbook reader to flip through the pages and read at their own pace.

However, you can make the pages flip automatically by enabling Auto-flip pages and setting how many seconds you want the flipbook player to wait in between page turns. If the auto-flip is activated, and once the flipbook reaches the last page, it will continue to loop endlessly at the selected pace.

Flip sounds

For a complete, life-like, realistic reading experience, enable Flip sounds, and your readers will hear the sound of paper when turning the pages.

The flip sounds are available for laptops and desktops only.

Right-to-left orientation

For languages that are written right to left, such as: Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Kurdish, Persian, or Urdu, you can change the navigation of the flipbook to be right-to-left by clicking the Right to left orientation check box.

Shadows on pages

If you want to add a shadow on your flipbook pages, simply check the Shadow on pages check box, and the shadow will be applied on all your flipbook pages and cover. The shadow effect gives your flipbook the illusion of depth, making it look more realistic.


Highlights on links

In case you upload a PDF with hyperlinks, the perfect way to make your links more visible in your flipbook is to apply the Highlights on links effect.

Once the Highlights on links box is selected, your readers can see the links that appear on each page of your flipbook and click on them.

You might see that after the Highlights on links feature is applied to your flipbook, there will be significantly more clicks on it. You can check the number of clicks in Statistics.

By deselecting the Highlights on links box, your readers will no longer see the hyperlinks but will still be able to click them.


Auto-detect links

By enabling the Auto-detect links option, any web address, email address, and link that you have in your uploaded PDF will be automatically detected, and a hyperlink will appear in your flipbook.

These customization options can be saved for future flipbooks by checking the Preserve settings box.

We hope these appearance customization options provide you with all the little elements necessary to enhance your viewers' experience while browsing your flipbooks. For any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact us via live chat.