Learn how to install the Hubspot tracking code on your Flipsnack account using Google Tag Manager.
If you already use Hubspot for your business, we at Flipsnack thought it would be helpful to show how to combine it with your Enterprise plan and get the most out of these tools.
With this integration, you will be able to track the performance of your catalogs through Hubspot Analytics, add chat widgets to your Flipsnack catalogs and add a Hubspot cookie banner inside your Flipsnack catalog links.
All of these integrations are not inside the embedded player. The code is added to the Flipsnack URLs / custom domain URL.
Before we begin using any of Hubspot’s features we need to connect the two using the tracking code provided by them. To do this we are going to use the Google Tag Manager integration.
The process is fairly simple, requiring only a custom tag with the code provided by Hubspot.
To find your tracking code:
In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
Go to your Tracking & Analytics settings:
In accounts that only have access to Marketing Starter or HubSpot’s free tools, navigate to Tracking Code in the left sidebar menu.
For all other subscriptions, navigate to Tracking & Analytics > Tracking code in the left sidebar menu.
In the Embed code section, click Copy.

Now that we have the tracking code for your account we can add it to our tag container as a custom HTML tag:
Log in to your Google Tag Manager account and select your Flipsnack associated container.
In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Tags, then click New.
Click Tag Configuration.
For the Tag type, choose Custom HTML Tag. Then, give your tag a name.
Paste the tracking code in the HTML field.
Below Tag Configuration, click Triggering to set up a firing rule. If you don't set up a firing rule, the tag will not fire and HubSpot analytics data will not be collected.
For the tag to fire on all your Flipsnack catalogs with the Google Tag Manager code installed (recommended), select the option for All Pages.
Click Save to save your new tag. In the upper right, click Publish to save your container and tags.

And there you have it. The Hubspot tracking code has now been installed on your Flipsnack account, connecting it with the platform. Now that we have that, I recommend changing a few settings to make sure everything will work as you intend.
Go back to your Hubspot account and find Tracking & Analytics in the settings.
Click on Advanced Tracking and underneath Additional site domains, you need to add your Flipsnack custom domain by clicking +Add domain.
The settings underneath might differ according to your configuration but I would recommend making sure you activate Limit cookies to subdomains if you use a subdomain for your flipbooks and Automatic cross-domain linking if you are using different domains or you don’t have the custom domain set up.

Now that that’s done, Hubspot will start gathering traffic data for your Flipsnack profile for you to use in reports.
Further reading:
Install Hubspot tracking code (Hubspot Knowledge Base)
For more ways to use Hubspot together with Flipsnack also visit: