Install a chat widget for your flipbook readers using the Hubspot chat flow option.
A chat widget is very useful if you want to know your audience further and engage them in a conversation about your products. Using the built-in CRM solution offered by Hubspot, we can install a chat widget on our flipbooks and Flipsnack profile.
But before you start, make sure you have already installed the Hubspot tracking code on your profile using Google Tag Manager. You also need at least a free Hubspot account to start this.

If you have everything else ready, let's begin:
In your HubSpot account, navigate to Conversations > Chatflows.
In the upper right, click Create chatflow.
Select Website.
In the left sidebar, select a live chat option:
If you want a visitor to be able to immediately start a chat with you and your team, select Live chat.
If you're a Service Hub Professional or Enterprise account user and have at least three published knowledge base articles, select Knowledge base search & live chat to add the option to search the knowledge base directly from your live chat widget.
Click Next.
If you have multiple inboxes set up in your account, click the Select an inbox dropdown and select a different inbox.
To change the language of your chatflow from English, on the left, click the Select a language dropdown menu and select another language.
Click Next.

Now you can start building your widget using the options on the next page and create your welcome message, ask for email addresses or assign specific users to the conversations. Like the form mentioned above, make sure you set up the targeting parameters in the Targeting tab. This will determine how and when the chat will appear. Activate the switch to your chatflow and it should appear on your pages.

Further reading:
For more ways to use Hubspot together with Flipsnack, also visit: