Flipbook updates that can affect statistics

Discover how updates to your flipbooks can impact their statistics

The page report in Statistics is easy to understand, but what happens if you decide to make some changes to the flipbook? What happens if you delete pages, add new ones, or switch their order?

In this article, we’ll explain what happens in statistics for each scenario.

Adding pages

The new page will appear in your statistics report right away, with zero views initially. If you added the page as the cover (page 1), it will show up in your report as page one. The page that was previously page 1 will become page 2, page 2 becomes page 3, and so on. Obviously, if you simply add a new page at the end of the publication, no pages will switch their position.

Note: Pages are listed in the statistics report in the same order as they appear now in your flipbook, in the published version.

So what if I add a new page today and then check the report of how the flipbook has performed in the previous month?

The page will still show up in your report but with 0 views. If you inserted a new page in your flipbook and it is page 25 now, the report will list it as page 25, even if you check the stats for last year, when page 25 was not yet part of the flipbook.

Adding a page in Flipsnack

Deleting pages

If you delete pages from the publication, those pages will also disappear from your page report. As soon as you publish the new (shorter) version of the flipbook, you will lose access to the statistics of the removed pages.

If it’s important for you to keep track of the performance of the deleted pages, make sure you download the stats before you remove them. And I’d also recommend adjusting the date range to include all-time performance before you download the report as CSV.

Deleting pages in Flipsnack

Switching the order of pages

The page report lists the pages in the same order that they appear when you access the published version of the flipbook. So naturally, if you reorder pages in the Design Studio, the stats report will be updated accordingly. The good news is that you will not lose any data in this process.

Our system knows that page 5 has now become page 20, and page 20 has become page 5, so any views and clicks registered for these pages will not be lost. The system keeps track of the change, and it knows that the content has been moved. It will continue to register views, and your stats will be accurate. If you had 200 views on page 5, and you moved it to the back of the flipbook, and it has now become page 20, the counter will not be reset, it will continue to count views starting with 200.


Reordering pages in Flipsnack

Replacing pages

If you need to update a page from an uploaded PDF file, you can do so pretty easily. This is actually a combination of the previous actions. You’re deleting a page and adding another one, moving it to the position of the deleted page. So it’s probably easy to guess what happens when you do this.

As soon as you publish this update, the page report will be updated. For all pages that have been replaced, the views and clicks counter will be reset to zero. A good workaround for not losing any registered stats for deleted pages is downloading the stats before you delete anything.

Replacing pages in Flipsnack
Re-uploading a PDF
There might be times when you want to replace an existing PDF with a newer version. This updated version could include a revised table of contents, fresh text, new images, and more. The solution is to re-upload the PDF file. 

Warning: If you choose to re-upload a PDF, the statistics for the original version will be lost, and the new version will be tracked instead.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via live chat.