Learn about automation for Product tags

Discover how to use automation for product tags in Flipsnack.

Table of contents:

Creating the CSV for product tags

Importing your Product tag automation CSV file

Adding the product tags


Product tags are hotspots applied to products that help you promote your products or provide more information about them. They also offer a quick way for customers to shop for products directly from your catalog.

The process of adding product tags is generally easy, but when you’re creating a catalog with many product tags it becomes time-consuming. This is where automation helps a lot.

The automation is still in beta, so we have to enable it for your account. When it is fully released, it will be available with the Enterprise subscription.

With the automation tool, you can upload the information at once, for all your product tags, and then the entire process is just a matter of drag and drop. This is only available with the Enterprise or Organization plan.

So let's see how this works!

How to create the CSV for your product tags

You can add all the information in a Google Spreadsheet or create your CSV file in Excel or in a similar program.

At this point, you need to make sure the file contains all the information you want to display in your product tags.

Through product tags, you can display the product name, description, price, discounted price, product URL, and button label as well as up to 3 images. So naturally, this is the information that should appear in your CSV.

Please add the following column headers in your CSV file:

  • Product name

  • Description

  • Price

  • Discounted price

  • Product URL

  • Button label

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

Warning: To add images, you can upload the files to a web server, FTP, or hosting service that allows images to be stored and retrieved, and then copy the direct URL of that image and paste it in the image column.

If you don’t want to display the discounted price or other types of information in your product tags, you can simply omit them from the CSV file.

We have more information on CSV files at our help center, but you can also ask for help from our support team or from your account manager.

How to import your Product tag automation CSV file

On the main dashboard, go to Automation and then click on Add new data set.

Import your CSV file or connect a Google spreadsheet.

At this point, after import, the tool will ask you to identify 4 types of information from the spreadsheet.

You can just select the first option and select the Name/ Product name from the dropdown, just like in the image below:

How to import your Product tag automation CSV file

Click Next step.

How to add the product tags and automate the process

Now it's time to add the product tags to your catalog. For this, you'll need to go into the Design Studio.

On the left-hand side, you will see the Automation tab with a list of all the products you've added to your spreadsheet/ CSV file.

Step 1

You should add the first product tag as you normally would.

You can find product tags in the Interact section. With drag and drop you can add one product tag directly to your catalog, on the desired location on the page.

Step 2

On the right side of your Design Studio you will see the Connect with feed button. From here you can connect the product tag attributes with the information from your CSV file in order to make the connection between them.

How to import your Product tag automation CSV file

When you are ready click Save changes.

Step 3

Go to the Automation section and drag and drop the product into the product tag icon. This should automatically fill the product tag with the information corresponding to that product. In order to test if this worked or not, please check the preview. 

Tip: You can use the search bar for products when you have a big amount of products in your CSV. Simply search using the product title or description between quotation marks. For example "cutting boards".

Step 4

Now please duplicate the product tag with Ctrl+D or Cmd+D, and move it over a different product, where you want another product tag. Make sure you drag and drop the corresponding product. Repeat this action again and again for each product.

If you want to see specific product tag information just click on the icon on the top left you will be able to see it. You can edit the information from here as well.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via live chat.