Free stock photos and videos

Make use of Pexels’ and Pixabay’s free stock photos and videos collection.

With Flipsnack you have access to free stock photos directly from our Design Studio, just one click away. Choose from thousands of high-quality photos and videos from Pexels and Pixabay

They’re free for commercial use, no copyright restriction, and no attribution required.

Where do you find them?

Go to your Flipsnack account and select the flipbook you want to edit from the main dashboard. Click on the Photos section, then choose from photos or videos on the left panel and type an exact search. 


Upload your images and videos by clicking on Uploads, then on Upload media

Find all your media and your team’s in that section. Use the drag-and-drop feature to add an image to the page. 


More options for your photos and videos

Edit the chosen media with filters, change their styles, sizes, or opacity. Flip your images horizontally or vertically, so they fit in your design better.


Group and ungroup two or more media elements on the page for bulk editing, or click on Add on all pages.


Lock media in place using the Lock button for your brand logo or other images to make them uneditable.


Make your media interactive by browsing the Action section. Select Open a link, Go to a page, or Open an overlay. Offer readers a more engaging experience.


Add GIFs and stickers to your publications

Find the option to add GIFs and stickers in the left panel of our Design Studio. Sometimes, they work better than a photo or even a video when it comes to catching your readers’ attention. Learn more about Giphy integration.


Important: If you don't want to have stock photos available in your workspace, you can disable them in Feature management.

Don’t hesitate to contact us via live chat with any questions you may have!