PNG download

Learn how to download the flipbooks in the PNG format.

If you are a premium subscriber, you can download your flipbook in PNG format, whether it was made from scratch or by uploading a PDF file. 

To download your flipbook as a PNG, go to the Main Dashboard, and click the Download button next to the desired flipbook.

How to download as PNG format in Flipsnack

A pop-up will open, which will contain a Download PNG option. Click on the Download button next to it.

Flipbook download options presented in Flipsnack

The flipbook will be downloaded page by page in an archived folder on your device.

Note: If you want your PNG download to have a transparent background, you need to download the flipbook while in the Design Studio and check the Transparent background box.


PNG download is a compressed version of the flipbook, it has a resolution of  794 x 1123 px. If you want to download your flipbook at a higher resolution (4963 x 7019 px) you have to download it in PDF format.

To do so, while in the Design Studio, click on the Download  icon, choose the PNG file type, and check the Transparent background option. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via live chat.