Why is my publication unavailable?

If your flipbook isn’t accessible, several factors could be the cause. Learn how to check your subscription status, review processes, DNS configuration, and firewall settings.

If your publication is unavailable, there are a few things to check:

  1. Subscription Status: Ensure that your subscription hasn’t expired. If it has, renew it to make your flipbook accessible again.
  2. Under Review: Your flipbook might be under review, especially if it's a new publication or you've recently updated it.  If your publication is under review and you believe it complies with our guidelines, you can request a manual review by our support team. Please contact us directly to have one of our agents manually check your content.
  3. DNS Configuration: If you're using a custom domain, check your DNS configuration to ensure everything is correctly set up.
    You can refer to this article for detailed guidance.
  4. Firewall Restrictions: It’s possible that your firewall is blocking access to Flipsnack. We recommend whitelisting the following links:
    • *.cloudfront.net
    • sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    • *.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com
    • s3.amazonaws.com
    • *.flipsnack.com

If your publication is still unavailable, please reach out to us via email at contact@flipsnack.com or through our live chat for further assistance.