Why is my embedded flipbook not appearing on my website?

Resolving common issues preventing your embedded flipbook from appearing

If your embedded flipbook is not appearing on your website, there could be a few common issues causing the problem. Here are the steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Domain restriction: Double-check if you added a domain restriction. If your flipbook is restricted to a specific domain and you are attempting to embed it on a different one, the flipbook will not be available.

    domain restriction
  2. Correct domain: Ensure that the correct domain is added to the allowed list. A mismatch in the domain can prevent the flipbook from displaying.

  3. Subscription status: Verify that your subscription is active. An expired subscription can result in the flipbook becoming unavailable. Any Flipsnack subscription will allow you to embed it on other websites.

Following these steps should help you identify and resolve the issue with your embedded flipbook. In case you need further assistance, please contact our customer support team via live chat or at contact@flipsnack.com.