Flipsnack AI package

See how Flipsnack AI can help you streamline digital publications with in-platform translations and automated content summaries for enhanced accessibility.

The AI package in Flipsnack has some pretty cool features to make publishing even better. Integrating AI features simplifies publishing and enhances the global accessibility of flipbooks.

Table of contents:

How the AI actions work - credits and pricing

Add page summaries for accessibility

Translate an entire flipbook

Translate single or multiple text boxes

Additional AI package features

How the AI actions work - credits and pricing

The AI feature operates using a credit system. Each pricing plan comes with a preset number of credits, and each AI feature you use costs a certain amount. 

Pricing and credits:

  • Free trial plan: 50 credits
  • Professional plan: 50 credits monthly
  • Business plan: 250 credits monthly
  • Enterprise plan: Starts at 1000 credits monthly, but additional credits can be purchased at $0.25 each, sold in bundles of 100.

Note: Credits are renewed on the 1st of each month and do not roll over or add up to the next month. They are used within the billing cycle in which they are issued.

Available AI actions: 

  • Translate single textbox or multiple textboxes: 1 credit (whether you select a single text box or multiple ones at once, it will still cost 1 credit)
  • Translate the entire flipbook: 10 credits
  • Generate summary with accessibility: 10 credits

Note: You can monitor your credit usage through the Flipsnack dashboard, which displays the current credit balance and detailed logs of AI tasks performed.


Now, let’s take a look at the AI package's features:

Add page summaries for accessibility

This feature automatically generates content summaries for each flipbook page, improving accessibility by aiding screen readers in conveying the publication's content to users who rely on these devices.

The summaries contain both textual content and image descriptions, resulting in a comprehensive overview of the page's content and visual elements.

As a result, it improves the flipbook's overall accessibility and understanding.

Note: Whether the flipbook is created from scratch or by uploading a PDF, it must have a minimum amount of text for the AI to identify and summarize it. 

Here’s how to access and use this feature:

1. From the main dashboard, select the flipbook you want to make accessible and click on Customize.customize-button-in-flipsnack-dashboard
2. On the left panel, click on Accessibility, and select Activate accessibility.activate-accessibility-option-in-customize-page
3. To generate new content, click on Generate content. You will be prompted with a message that you are about to generate content with AI and that the existing content will be overwritten and can’t be recovered. If you’re okay with that, click on Generate. generate-content-button-in-customize-page
4. After generating content, always check descriptions for accuracy. When you’re sure everything is correct, click on Save.edit-text-for-accessibility-feature
5. To manage existing accessibility content, click Manage content. This will allow you to check existing content and update it as needed.manage-content-button-in-customize-page

Translate an entire flipbook

This awesome feature facilitates the creation of multilingual publications, saving time and resources for businesses targeting a global audience. Users can translate entire flipbooks created from scratch with just one click directly in Flipsnack, eliminating the need for external translation services.

Note: Translations can be done in over 29 languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali, and many others.

Here’s how it works:

1. From the Main dashboard, select the flipbook by clicking on the three dots, then on Make a copy. This step is essential to keep the original flipbook and have a translated version. Otherwise, the original flipbook will be replaced by the translated one. 


Note: The translation feature is available only for flipbooks created from scratch that are not yet published and still carry the Not published label.

2. Click on the three dots next to the copy, then click on Translate

3. Select a language, then click on Translate


Important: As the message indicates, texts might overlap, and you might lose some customization after translation. Some editing might be required. Additionally, it's crucial to check the accuracy of the translation before sharing the flipbook to ensure the best quality. 



Translate single or multiple text boxes

Now, you might be interested in translating only a few texts within' your flipbook created from scratch. Here’s how to access and use this feature:

1. Create the flipbook in your intended language.

2. From the Main dashboard, select the flipbook by clicking on the three dots, then on Make a copy. This step is essential for keeping the original flipbook and having a translated version. Otherwise, the original text will be replaced by the translated one. This process will result in four flipbooks: the original and the three translated ones.duplicate-a-flipbook-in-flipsnack

3. When editing the duplicate flipbook in the Design Studio, select the block of text you want to translate and click on Translate in the top bar menu.translate-button-in-design-studio
4. Select the language from the dropdown menu on the left side of the menu.translate-to-dropdown-in-design-studio
5. Click the Translate button, wait for the AI to translate your text, and you’re done.


Note: If you make changes in the initial flipbook, regardless of what language it is on, the changes will NOT automatically happen in the translated version. It’s important to have the final version of the text before you translate it to other languages.


Additional AI package features

We have even more features planned to be available in the AI package:

  • Generate and rephrase text: when creating flipbooks from scratch, you will be able to generate and rephrase content quickly;
  • Convert text into an image: Soon, you will be able to add a description inside the flipbook and have an image generated for you.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via chat.