How to edit the link name of a flipbook

Learn how to edit the link of a published flipbook and the benefits of a well-created URL

Table of contents:

How to edit the link name in Flipsnack

Benefits of a properly edited link

Tips to keep in consideration when editing your links

What if you’ve already shared the original link?


When you create a new flipbook, you can edit the title during the save and share process. The title represents how your flipbook appears on your Flipsnack profile and how search engines index it. Of course, if you wish to make your Flipsnack profile private and prevent your flipbook from being indexed, there are publishing options that can help you do that.

The custom text in the input field is New flipbook, so if you publish it as it is, the link will be something like:

However, in Flipsnack, you can easily change the URL of a flipbook at any time, even if you have already shared it. Here’s how:

Note: Editing the flipbook link is available starting with the Business plan.

How to edit the link name in Flipsnack

1. While in the Main dashboard, choose a flipbook, and click on Details


2. On the new page, click on the Edit link name.

editing the link name of a flipbook

3. Update the input field with the desired link name, and click on Save


Benefits of a properly edited link

  • The link is more readable - instead of a random string of characters, it will have readable text;
  • Describes what the flipbook is about - it allows viewers to know what to expect before they open the link;
  • Relevant for search engines - a link with proper text will be relevant for search engines, which increases its chance of ranking higher in search results.

Tips to keep in consideration when editing your links:

  • They should be on point: use keywords relevant to the content: "vacation-destinations" for a brochure containing possible places to go on vacation.
  • They should be short (between 3 and 200 characters): Use "kitchen-furniture-catalog", not "buy-cheap-and-affordable-furniture-to-use-in-your-kitchen".

What if you’ve already shared the original link?

If you have made changes to a link you have already shared, the previous version of the link will no longer work, and the page will not be accessible:

404 error

For this reason, we advise you to properly edit the links before you share them.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via live chat.