Embedding in Wordpress

Learn how to embed flipbooks on Wordpress.org / wordpress.com sites and blogs

With Flipsnack, it’s really easy to display an interactive, page-flip catalog on your WordPress site or blog. This article will teach you exactly what you need to do to embed flipbooks in your WordPress site or blog. 

To start with, you’ll need a Flipsnack account and a WordPress site or blog.  

There are 2 types of WordPress sites or blogs:
  • wordpress.org  - free WordPress software to download and install on your own web server

  • wordpress.com - the platform does it all; no need to download software, pay for hosting, or manage web servers

So the main difference between wordpress.org and wordpress.com is hosting, but it also matters when we talk about embedding. 

If you have a wordpress.org site or blog (you have your own hosting solution), you can simply follow the steps listed in the section below - it's very easy and straightforward.  However, the Free, Personal, and Premium versions of Wordpress.com sites do not support iframe widgets, so you would need the WordPress Business plan in order for the embed to work.

If you’ll follow the steps below you’ll see that the WordPress system is going to strip out the embed code, so it will disappear after publishing your post or page.

How to embed flipbooks in your WordPress site

First off, you’ll need to create your page-flip magazine or catalog and get the embed code. Then you’ll need to log in to your WordPress site.

1. Edit the page or post in which you want to integrate your flipbook.

2. Next find the place where you want to insert the embed and click the "+" sign to Add block.  

add block in wordpress

3. Select Custom HTML in the Formatting section

custom html in wordpress

4. Paste the embed code, then click Preview (right next to HTML) to see the flipbook.

html iframe code in wordpress

5. Now you can Publish the page to see it live. 

If you’re using a special page builder (such as Elementor, Divi, etc) rather than the default WordPress editor to create or edit content, you will have to look for the Add Custom HTML option available in your page builder. Once you find it, you can then simply paste the embed code and then publish the page.