Individual text formatting

Format your words and letters individually.

With our individual text formatting options, you can now change the color, opacity, and size individually for each word or letter in your text and also edit the line spacing, line height, and whether you want the text to be bold, italic, upper case, lower case, underlined or striked through up you can do all that in our Design Studio.

Important: Individual formatting is not available for the existing templates since they were created before this feature. You can currently only do that with a new text box.

How to add text in your publications

1. Open your flipbook in the Design Studio.

2. Click on the Text button on the left side of the page, then select the type of text you want.

Adding text box in Design Studio

3. Type or copy-paste your text into the text box and select the letters/words you wish to edit.

4. To change the size, simply select the word or letters you want to edit and change the size of the text from the size box at the top of the Design Studio.

Selecting the font size in Design Studio

5. Click on Spacing and select the line spacing and line height that works best for you;

Customizing the text spacing in Design Studio

Text editing options

1. Click on the Color button at the top of the Design tool and choose the color you like from your recent colors, brand colors, default palette, or gray shades, or paste a hex color.

Adding text color in Design Studio

2. Click on the Opacity button in the upper-right corner of the Design tool to change the transparency of the letters/words in your text.

How to set up text's transparency in Design Studio

3. Select the text and change its font styles from regular to Bold (B), Italic (I), Underline, or Strikethrough by clicking their respective icons on the left side menu of the Design Studio.

Changing the font's style in Design Studio

4. Select the letters you want to change into lower or uppercase, then click on the Uppercase (aA) button on the left side of the Design tool.

How to change text's lowercase in Design Studio
For any questions, you may have, please reach out to us via live chat.