Troubleshooting custom domain issues with Flipsnack and Cloudflare

Adjusting your DNS settings by disabling the Proxy status for your CNAME record

If you're having trouble setting up a custom domain for your Flipsnack publications using Cloudflare, you might need to adjust your DNS settings. Specifically, you may need to disable the Proxy status for your CNAME record. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you resolve this issue:
Log in to Cloudflare
  • Go to the Cloudflare website and log in with your credentials.
  • Select Your Domain
  • From your Cloudflare dashboard, select the domain for which you want to configure the custom domain for Flipsnack.
  • Navigate to DNS Settings
  • Click on the DNS tab to access your domain's DNS settings.
  • Add or Edit the CNAME Record
  • If you haven't added a CNAME record yet:
  • Click Add Record.
  • Select CNAME from the type dropdown menu.
  • In the Name field, enter the subdomain you want to use (e.g., portfolio if your full custom domain is
  • In the Target field, enter the Flipsnack provided value from the Branding menu where you setup the custom domain.
  • If you already have a CNAME record:
  • Locate the existing CNAME record that points to Flipsnack.
  • Disable Proxy Status
  • For the relevant CNAME record, you will see an orange cloud icon under the Proxy status column.
  • Click the orange cloud icon to disable the proxy, turning it gray. This switches the status to DNS only.
  • Save Your Changes
  • Ensure all changes are saved and the record is correctly set to DNS only.

Why Disabling Proxy Status is Necessary
When Cloudflare's proxy is enabled (orange cloud icon), it routes traffic through Cloudflare's servers. This can cause issues with how Flipsnack verifies and handles custom domains. By switching to DNS only (gray cloud icon), you ensure that traffic goes directly to Flipsnack's servers, allowing for proper verification and functionality of your custom domain.

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