How does Flipsnack ensure HIPAA compliance for healthcare organizations?

Learn how Flipsnack supports HIPAA compliance for organizations handling Protected Health Information (PHI) through specialized plans, security measures, and shared responsibility.

Introduction to HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a U.S. law designed to protect the privacy and security of individuals' medical information, known as Protected Health Information (PHI). HIPAA sets stringent standards for healthcare providers, health plans, and business associates who manage PHI, especially in digital formats (ePHI). Compliance with HIPAA is crucial for organizations involved in healthcare or those offering services to healthcare-related businesses.

What does HIPAA cover? HIPAA establishes vital protections for the confidentiality of PHI and sets standards for its use and disclosure. It mandates administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to ensure the security of electronic PHI (ePHI). In the event of a breach of unsecured PHI, covered entities and their business associates must notify affected individuals, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and, in certain cases, the media. HIPAA also requires contracts, known as Business Associate Agreements (BAAs), to ensure that business associates handling PHI on behalf of a covered entity comply with all applicable HIPAA requirements.

HIPAA and digital platforms: Digital platforms, like Flipsnack, that provide services to healthcare providers or other entities handling PHI must consider HIPAA compliance. If your organization uses Flipsnack to create, distribute, or store content containing PHI, it is essential to ensure that these activities comply with HIPAA regulations.

Flipsnack’s role in HIPAA compliance: Flipsnack, as a platform that facilitates the creation and distribution of digital content, may be classified as a "business associate" if used by healthcare providers or other covered entities to handle PHI. Here’s how Flipsnack can support HIPAA compliance:

  • HIPAA-Enabled Plan: Flipsnack offers a specific HIPAA-enabled plan designed to meet the requirements of organizations that handle PHI. It is important to note that not all Flipsnack plans are HIPAA compliant; only the HIPAA-enabled plan includes the necessary features and safeguards required under HIPAA. If your organization needs to comply with HIPAA, selecting this plan is crucial.

  • Business Associate Agreement (BAA): If you use Flipsnack to manage PHI, you must enter into a BAA with Flipsnack. This agreement ensures that Flipsnack adheres to HIPAA’s requirements for protecting PHI. You can access Flipsnack’s BAA here.

  • Security measures: Flipsnack’s HIPAA-enabled plan includes robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, audit logs, and more, to protect PHI.

  • Shared responsibility: HIPAA compliance on Flipsnack is a shared responsibility between the platform and its users. While Flipsnack provides the necessary tools and features to secure PHI, users must correctly configure and utilize these tools to ensure compliance.

User responsibilities: Users of Flipsnack who are covered entities or business associates under HIPAA must take several steps to ensure their activities on the platform are compliant:

  • If your work involves Protected Health Information (PHI), ensure that you are using Flipsnack’s HIPAA-enabled plan, specifically tailored to meet HIPAA requirements.
  • Before using Flipsnack to manage PHI, ensure that a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) is in place.
  • Conduct regular audits of your Flipsnack usage to confirm that all HIPAA-related configurations are current and that your usage remains compliant.

Conclusion: Flipsnack can be an invaluable tool for healthcare providers and other entities needing to manage digital content containing PHI. However, to ensure HIPAA compliance, it is critical to select the HIPAA-enabled plan, establish a BAA, implement robust security measures, and regularly review and audit your usage of the platform. By doing so, you can leverage Flipsnack’s capabilities while maintaining the privacy and security of PHI in accordance with HIPAA regulations.