Guide to Using Flipsnack API

Request and response parameters

API Method: collection.create

The collection.create method allows you to upload a single PDF document to create a new collection with a flipbook item in Flipsnack.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your unique API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.create.
  • file: The PDF file to upload.

Optional Request Parameters:

  • fileUrl: URL of a PDF document.
  • title: The title of the collection.
  • description: Description of the collection.
  • width and height: Dimensions of the collection.
  • status: private or public.
  • playerSettings: Various settings for the flipbook player.

Example Request:

curl -X POST "" \
-F 'file=@"document.pdf";filename="document.pdf"' \
-F "action=collection.create" \
-F "apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY>" \


Returns a JSON object with the collection details, status, and settings.

For comprehensive details, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.create.

API Method: collection.getCollection

The collection.getCollection method retrieves detailed information about a collection, including configuration parameters and the list of collection items.

Request Parameters:

  • apiKey (required): Your API key.
  • signature (required): MD5 hash signature.
  • action (required): Must be collection.getCollection.
  • collectionHash (required): The hash of the collection you wish to retrieve.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.getCollection \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<COLLECTION-HASH> \


Returns a JSON object containing:

  • Collection details (hash, title, description, status, thumbnail URL, etc.)
  • List of collection items
  • Configuration parameters (width, height, player settings, etc.)
  • Flipbook status (processing, complete, failed)

Configuration Parameters:

  • collectionWidth: Width in pixels.
  • collectionHeight: Height in pixels.
  • collectionStatus: Public, editable, or unlisted.
  • enableFullScreen: Allows fullscreen mode.
  • enableDownload: Displays download button.
  • autoFlip: Enables automatic page turning.
  • autoFlipDelay: Time in seconds for automatic page turn.
  • rightToLeftOrientation: Right to left viewing mode.
  • backgroundColor: Background color of the player.

For more details, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.getCollection.

API Method: collection.update

The collection.update method updates the settings of an existing collection in Flipsnack.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.update.
  • collectionHash: The hash of the collection to update.

Optional Request Parameters:

  • title: The collection's title.
  • description: Description of the collection.
  • collectionWidth and collectionHeight: Dimensions of the collection.
  • collectionStatus: public, editable, or unlisted.
  • enableThumbView, enableToc, showControls, enableDownload, enablePrint, enableFullScreen, enableSearch: Various player settings.
  • tooltipsLanguage: Language for tooltips.
  • background and color: Background settings.
  • autoFlip and autoFlipDelay: Auto-flip settings.
  • rightToLeftOrientation: Right-to-left viewing.
  • singlePageView: Single page viewing.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.update \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<COLLECTION-HASH> \
-d title="Lorem ipsum" \


Returns a JSON object with updated collection details.

For full details, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.update.

API Method: collection.deleteCollection

The collection.deleteCollection method deletes a specified collection in Flipsnack.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.deleteCollection.
  • collectionHash: The hash of the collection to delete.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.deleteCollection \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<COLLECTION-HASH> \


Returns a status code 20 - OK if successful.

For detailed instructions, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.deleteCollection.

API Method: collection.getEmbed

The collection.getEmbed method returns the embed code for a specified collection based on the given parameters.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.getEmbed.
  • collectionHash: The hash of the collection to get the embed code.

Optional Parameters:

  • https: Deprecated. Default: true.
  • responsive: If true, the embed will take the full container size. Default: false.
  • startPage: Page number where the flipbook will open. Default: 1.
  • width: Width of the embed.
  • height: Height of the embed.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.getEmbed \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<COLLECTION-HASH> \


Returns a JSON object with the embed code.

For detailed instructions, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.getEmbed.

API Method: collection.getStats

The collection.getStats method retrieves statistics for a specified collection in Flipsnack.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.getStats.
  • collectionHash: The hash of the collection to get statistics.

Optional Parameters:

  • startDate: Start date for the statistics interval (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • endDate: End date for the statistics interval (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • includePageStats: If true, returns statistics for each page.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.getStats \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<COLLECTION-HASH> \


Returns a JSON object with statistics, including impressions, views, time spent, downloads, and optional page-specific statistics.

For more details, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.getStats.

API Method: collection.getList

The collection.getList method returns a list of collections belonging to your user.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.getList.

Optional Parameters:

  • collectionStatus: Type of collection (public, editable, unlisted).
  • query: Search query for titles and descriptions.
  • from: Starting record index. Default: 0.
  • to: Ending record index. Default: 50.
  • orderBy: Field to order by (date_published, date_created, name). Default: date_published.
  • orderMode: Order direction (asc, desc). Default: desc.
  • folder: Folder path where collections are stored.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.getList \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionStatus=public \
-d from=0 \
-d to=2 \


Returns a JSON object with the total number of matching collections and a list of collections.

For detailed instructions, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.getList.

API Method: collection.downloadHTML

The collection.downloadHTML method allows you to generate and download an HTML package for a specified collection in Flipsnack. This is useful for offline viewing or embedding the collection on a website.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be collection.downloadHTML.
  • collectionHash: The hash of the collection to download.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=collection.downloadHTML \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<COLLECTION-HASH> \


Returns a JSON object with the status of the request and a URL to download the HTML package once the generation is complete.


  1. Request HTML Package: Send the request with the necessary parameters.
  2. Check Status: The response will include a status code and, if successful, a URL to download the package.
  3. Download Package: Use the provided URL to download the HTML package.

For more details, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for collection.downloadHTML.

API Method: user.getStats

The user.getStats method retrieves global statistics for your user, including impressions, views, time spent, and downloads for all collections.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • signature: MD5 hash signature.
  • action: Must be user.getStats.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=user.getStats \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \


Returns a JSON object with statistics such as:

  • impressions: Total player loads.
  • views: User interactions with the player.
  • time_spent: Total viewing time in seconds.
  • downloads: Number of document downloads.
  • api_uploads_left: Remaining uploads via API.

For detailed instructions, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for user.getStats.

API Method: zapier.getZapierLeadFormSample

The zapier.getZapierLeadFormSample method retrieves sample data for lead forms, useful for integration with Zapier.

Required Request Parameters:

  • apiKey: Your API key.
  • action: Must be zapier.getZapierLeadFormSample.
  • collectionHash: The hash of the collection to retrieve sample data.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
-G \
-d action=zapier.getZapierLeadFormSample \
-d apiKey=<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-d collectionHash=<YOUR-COLLECTION-HASH>


Returns a JSON object with sample data, including fields such as "Email address", "Full name", "Phone number", and more.

For detailed instructions, visit the Flipsnack API Reference for zapier.getZapierLeadFormSample.