A more accessible way to access the most used options such as copy, paste, align, and more.
What is a contextual menu?
A pop-up menu that appears on user interactions such as mouse right-click with a set of predefined options. The options available are related to the object or objects that have been selected.
Use the contextual menu in Design Studio to do your work simpler and faster.
Access many options you need by right-clicking the mouse over the desired element.

Use the contextual menu in Design Studio to do your work simpler and faster.
Access many options you need by right-clicking the mouse over the desired element.

To reveal the contextual menu, open a design in Flipsnack and select an element or multiple elements before using the mouse right-click.
Important: The menu is compatible with text boxes, photos, videos and other elements.
Create a guide and easily lock its position on the page, then use the contextual menu to group elements together and align them to the guide without accidentally changing its position in the process.
Options you can easily access in the menu:
Copy, cut, paste or delete elements
Move forward or backward selected elements
Align elements (left, middle, right, top, center, bottom)
- For more than three elements, access the options tidy up, distribute horizontally or vertically
- Flip images horizontally or vertically
- Advanced lock or unlock selected elements (position, style, content)
Group or ungroup multiple elements at once

For any other questions, contact us via live chat. We’re more than happy to help!