File size and page limit

Learn more about the flipbooks' file size and page limit.

When using Flipsnack, there are different plans to choose from, and each plan influences your catalog’s size (number of pages per flipbook and its file size).

Note: the file size (MB) refers to the flipbook’s size post-conversion, not to your uploaded PDF file size.

  • As a Premium trial user, you are limited to 4 pages/flipbook of 500MB/flipbook.

  • As a Starter user, you can have up to 100 pages/flipbook of 100MB/flipbook.

  • As a Professional user, you can have up to 200 pages/flipbook of 500MB/flipbook.

  • As a Business user, you can have up to 500 pages/flipbook of 500MB/flipbook.

  • As a Business Plus user, you can have up to 500 pages/flipbook of 500MB/flipbook.
  • As an Enterprise or Custom user, you can have up to 3000 pages/flipbook of 500MB/flipbook.

Even though the largest plans are limited to 500MBs per flipbook, in 99.99% of the cases, the limit will not be reached. The reason why we don’t offer a higher size limit is that it might lead to higher flipbook loading times, resulting in a bad user experience for the reader of the publication.

Note: With any subscription, the number of files you can upload into a flipbook is limited to 100.

For more information regarding our plans, please visit our Pricing page. For any other questions related to pricing plans, contact us via live chat.